Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Whatever I say is Wrong................ Whatever You say is Right........................(or...... I don't need ya.)

You think of my name now and you may say....
That motherf#####!?!?!....What's he doin' today....
But, Hey.... man.....
Who are you to judge me????.... I don't judge ya.

Hey... man.... God don't even judge me...

You look the other way now, and then you say...
Man,.... I was wrong......
But Fuck him anyway.....
Thats OK.... I don't need ya.

No shit, they were wrong about me!!!....
but it ain't like I give a Fuck.

You may just be actin' but I don't care....
It's never really polite to stare.
It's not like I ever really cared.
So stare away..... I won't feed ya.

Get all the hate you want...
you get enough...
but you won't get any from me.

But, obviously, you were never polite anyway....
All you seem to say... is the same things everyday...
All you wanna do... is typecast "da crew."
So, just sit there and be an ass....I don't need ya.

I never liked ya punk ass anyway.


At 10:26 PM, Blogger The Creative Death said...

Good notes of self-confidence there.
I think people fear being self-reliant. Its good do see that we have a 'grip'

At 11:18 PM, Blogger Doughboy said...

on reality.... no shit.

At 2:01 AM, Blogger Cie Cheesemeister said...

Damn...this reminds my of my high school days. Which is 22 years in the past. But it can't be forgotten how judgmental those people were, which is hard for an artistic person to deal with. I always had the eyes of scorn on me, and to this day, whenever I get anything from the alumni committee regarding a reunion or such, I feel like saying "Piss on you! Like I'd ever want to see 90% of you jerks again!"
But so it goes, and I know I'm not the only one who's had this experience.
The Great Cheesy One

At 11:44 AM, Blogger Doughboy said...

Sad but true, it still happens to me daily in my jobs and in my own damn neighborhood. Im 26 with three years of college under my belt. I don't need this shit and so I have chosen not to give a shit.

At 11:59 AM, Blogger Doughboy said...

Everyone loved me at my high school. That was a place that I felt that I could be myself. The real world hit me like a bullet and I have never been the same since. Slowly I'm gettin' back to those days and I know now that I am not the problem. They have a problem with me. I ain't gots' no problem with them.

At 11:49 PM, Blogger Cie Cheesemeister said...

What hit me hard after school was that college professors expected me to actually know what I was talking about in my papers! In high school I could do it at the last minute, bullshit my way through it, and tell 'em what they wanted to hear. Invariably I'd get an A or a B. Not so in college. AGH!!! SHOCK!!!
Which may partially explain why it was so easy for my (now) ex-husband to talk me into dropping out of college and getting married. That and youthful stupidity and blindness to the future!

At 10:36 AM, Blogger Cie Cheesemeister said...

Roland, my Ren, how many guises do you have???
The Cheesemeister


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