Thursday, November 24, 2005

Vote... We Can have a Voice

So register to vote.

We as a people, collectively, without regard for, nationality, political party or religion, need to stand united for what we, as a whole, believe in. How can we get anywhere if we do not stand as one? "One day we shall all be one". How long until that "day" comes? None of us know for sure. We have to start somewhere. We can all contribute to the new history of America, by voting.

Do we need to be so divided when we all basically stand for the same goal, equality, for all Americans? Equality in health care and employment, abolishing job discrimination and discrimination in general, fair wages for all employees, these are all "American Dreams." What is your own "American Dream?"

If we can stand, together, against the atrocities commited here in these United States of America. Against the discrimination in all aspects of life, lack of healthcare for America's poor, non-equal pay for equal work, regardless of age or national background, we can win this battle. The result would be equality for every man, woman and child.... regardless of income, national origin, who your mother or father was or is, for that matter who You are.

Be strong, stand up for your legal rights as Americans, after all, we are all citizens of this beautifull country of ours.

We must vote into office the persons that we, collectivly, want to be in them. You won't have a voice if you don't vote. We must also voice our cause as a whole, not as a divided union. We must support those who speak our beliefs, whatever they may be. Support those who will be able to "do something" about it. You, as an individual, may not be able to say much but you can start by voting. We do have a voice. We just need to use it.

I apoligize for all the "bitchyness" of all my last postings. I have no right to bitch, lifes been allright' for me. Seeing how people in the poor regions of this country are treated, seeing those that have lost so much in the "Fight for Freedom". The families of those who served to protect our rights and paid the ultimate price. Those families who will have to care for those individuals who were wounded. Those families who lost so much in these recent national disasters, a lot of them losing everything. Shows me that I have a lot to be gratefull for. I am greatfull for all those at the forefront in the new cival rights movement that will unite us all, eventually. We can help all of "them", the people who need help the most, by voting.

I walked through some shit in my life, cleaned off my shoes, and I ain't gonna walk through the same shit again. But, that was about ME, this is about WE. Lets all do somethin'. "Let's Vote." Who is with me?

(I may have thrown in some old rap lyrics for those hardcore fans. See if you can find them.)


At 5:11 PM, Blogger Cie Cheesemeister said...

You do have a right to bitch--sometimes it gets things done, sometimes it just makes you feel better. So bitch away!
It's so easy to just vote "party line." I have to remind myself to look closely at the issues and not just vote anti-Republican, even though it usually turns out that way.
It's great that people like you are willing to bring up real issues. Me, I tend to hide my feelings couched in sarcasm or satire, which is a cover-up, but at my advanced age I've found something that works for me and if people don't like it they can stuff it!
Sounds like you were going through some tough stuff and I hope it's getting better. But don't be ashamed to express it, hell, I liked those posts! If you don't express the feelings they come back in other forms later, sometimes physical ailments. I should practice what I preach.
Rant on--it's always an eye opener!
The Cheesy 1

At 5:59 PM, Blogger Doughboy said...

Cool..I plan on editing previous post for later..and yeah I was ashamed of how little I was concerned with others misfortune...So from now on I will try to not be so calised to others feelings when I comment on a post, I knew I wasn't all that important anyway...Thanks for making me feel better and your posts always make me feel "the best!"

At 7:16 PM, Blogger Doughboy said...

The shit i have gone through is nothing compared to what others face on a daily basis.

At 8:37 PM, Blogger crallspace said...

I not only vote, but work for peace, and a lot of my life revolves around progressive politics. I have every right to bithc about Bush and dumbasses who follow him.

At 8:57 PM, Blogger Doughboy said...

Yeah...I don't have much to say but..I won't vote for anyone he endorses in the upcoming election. I bitch all the time man..its an outlet.

At 10:38 PM, Blogger Cie Cheesemeister said...

I bitch so I won't BE a bitch!
And when it comes to Bush, it's easy to bitch!
Remember, Bush stands for:


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