Friday, November 25, 2005

Stupidity Must Run in My Family

It seems as though the more stupid I become, the less stupid I seem. Stupidity is all relevent to your enviorment. I actually thought that maybe I was just a little important. Happy I am to know that I was not, it is a lot less responsibility not being so important as I thought I once was.
I have come to realize that I am just a means to an end. That however I am viewed by others is a direct result of what I can do for them, especially in my family. I feel great about it. I actually could care less if I am non-important. Looking back on how I have carried myself in the past, damn was I stupid. Doing everything I could for others just becouse I could. Helping other people through this journey called life, while all along some were just along for the ride saying what they knew would make me carry them just a little further. I carry no more worries of others on my back, let them make it on their own, I have.
No one really sees me for who I actually am, their view of me is a direct result of how stupid I have been towards them in the past. Who cares? Not me. I am fine just like I am. Let the people who cared less for me care about themselves now. I have enough to worry about on my own and I don't need to be so tied up in the feelings of people who really "Don't Give A Fuck" about me.
There are a few good people left in the world amd I would have liked to think I was one of them. Guess I was wrong becouse everyone else kind of abandoned me in my time of need.
So here I sit, pondering that great question all of us ask ourselves at times, "What's Next?" I really don't know or care but I am as ready as I will ever be or, for that matter, more ready than I ever was.


At 8:36 PM, Blogger crallspace said...

It is good to watch for yourself... in the end, you are faced with yourself.

At 8:54 PM, Blogger Doughboy said...

So true...So true...

At 10:35 PM, Blogger Cie Cheesemeister said...

I've felt pretty abandoned by everyone more than once. I've had false friends who told me that everything that I was hurting over I brought on myself. It may have been true to an extent, but the callousness with which they imparted this sentiment was above and beyond the call of duty.
My family doesn't really know or get me either. I've made peace with that because they have good intentions. I'm not saying it's the same for your family. Of course you can't blame yourself if your family sucks, you can only try to do better than they did. I think you've got a good chance to do that, but you're pretty damn hard on yourself. I hope this doesn't sound too icky sticky, but try to see the good in yourself too.

At 1:17 AM, Blogger Doughboy said...

My family has their own intentions. My friends had their own intentions, at least some of the ones I used to have. Some were great but misguided by people who have power over them, if not directly then by fear, I hold no grudges though and wish everyone the best. I just wish I would have known a little sooner how rotten some of the apples were, then the whole bunch wouldn't have been spoiled. Oh well though, Live and Learn. I guess...

At 8:09 AM, Blogger Destiny said...

Well, I hold grudges and have a list a mile long of the people who I want to tazer! You know what I learned in life? I am my own best friend.

At 1:14 PM, Blogger Doughboy said...

Destiny- I am not even my own best friend so at least you are a couple of steps ahead of me.
Peace To You
Keep takin' Pictures.


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